Eligibility & Criteria

Eligible applicants include:

  • CISV charities (officials of the International Association (e.g. International Office, Governing Board), a National Association (NA itself or one of its Chapters), Promotional Association)
  • Official delegates to regional or international CISV activities/ conferences with endorsement of relevant CISV entity
  • PFT trustees for projects consistent with PFT’s objectives.


Trustees may approve grants for projects which are in line with PFT objectives and the purpose of the sub-fund, provided accumulated interest is available.

PFT does not finance operational expenses such as:

  • Committee administrative expenses
  • Hosting CISV official recognised activities in established National Associations e.g. Village, Interchange, Step Up, Seminar, IPP, Youth Meeting
  • Regular publications e.g. annual reports


The Peace Fund is committed to either accept or reject an application within a period of ONE MONTH from the date of submission. However, the Peace Fund may ask for further information and/or documentation from the applicant. In this case, the one month period will be increased in the equivalent number of days as applicant takes to fulfill the Peace Fund requirements.

Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible, so trustees can review the application and check completeness.

How to Apply

Please read all documents before applying to ensure that your project fits one of the specific sub-funds.

To apply for funding, please, download:

Please read all documents before applying to ensure that your project fits one of the specific sub-funds.

To apply for funding, please download:

1- Peace Fund General Information

Includes information about: trustees, officers, office and objectives of PFT.

2- Sub-Funds Information

Includes existing sub-funds,  the purpose they may sponsor and the PFT liaison to contact for further enquiries on application.

3- Grant Application Procedure

Describes our way of working and what information we need from applicants. Completed forms and any accompanying documents e.g. endorsements, budget information should be sent by e-mail so the liaison can distribute it easily to all PFT Trustees for their decision.

4- Grant Application Form

Form to be completed and sent to office@international-peacefund.org